General Info 2019 - Honolulu Ekiden and Music 2020 Honolulu Ekiden and Music 2020

General Information


  • The course is 26.2 miles (42.2 km).
  • Marathon runners must be 18 years or older on the day of the race.
  • The race will begin with runners lining up at the Start Line at Kapiolani Park.
  • There will be five relay stations along the race course. Each marathon runner must pass through the arch at each of the relay stations (Kaimuki Middle School, Maunalua Bay Beach Park, and Sandy Beach Park). The turnaround point is at Sandy Beach Park.
  • Electronic Chip: Each marathon runner will be provided with an electronic chip that will register at each relay station. Type of chip (anklet, bracelet, or bib type) will be determined at a later date.
  • Start Time: TBD
  • The cut-off time to complete legs 1, 2, and 3 is three hours, thus all runners must pass through the arch at Sandy Beach (Leg 4) by 8:30 AM.
  • The cut-off time to complete the entire course is six hours (by 11:30 AM).


Ekiden Relay Race

  • The 26.2 (42.2 km) mile course is divided into six legs (sections).
  • Ekiden relay runners must be 10 years old or older on the day of the race. Participants under the age of 18 must provide a signed parent/guardian consent form.
  • The race will begin with the first running member of the team at the start line wearing their team sash. The sash must be worn across the chest at all times by the runner. The team member wearing the sash must run through the arch before giving the sash to the next runner.
  • There will be five relay stations along the race course. This is where team members must pass the sash to the person who will complete the next leg (section).
  • For teams with fewer than six members, one runner may complete more than one leg (section). However, that runner must complete consecutive legs (sections). For example, the first runner can complete Legs 1 and 2, but not Legs 1 and 3.
  • Electronic Chip: Every sash contains an electronic chip that will register at each relay station. The electronic chip must be returned at the finish line.
  • The Sash: All teams will receive one sash. The team member who will run Leg 1 must start the race wearing the sash across their chest. If the sash is not worn correctly across your chest, it will reduce the effectiveness of the timing chip and your team may not get an accurate read.
  • Start Time: 5:30 AM.
  • The cut-off time to complete legs 1, 2, and 3 is three hours, thus all teams must start Leg 5 (Sandy Beach) or pass through the arch at Sandy Beach by 8:30 AM.
  • The cut-off time to complete the entire course is six hours (by 11:30 AM).

*Subject to change.